Sep 21, 2023
Sep 19, 2023
What's your current conversion rate on sales calls (ie, enrollment calls)?
Did you know the industry standard is 50%?
You can do better!
And that's what this episode is all about....
...sharing some simple nuances to leverage sales psychology (which
is how buyers - specifically YOUR 'best clients - THINK)...
Sep 15, 2023
This is a recording from Day 4 of this week's Faith Fueled Formula Masterclass Event.
Today's topic: Develop a Faith-Fueled Mindset in 30 Days to go from Overworked Solopreneur to Well-Paid CEO (while serving your clients to the uttermost & glorifying the Lord)
Here's what you'll learn:
Sep 14, 2023
This is a recording from Day 3 of this week's Faith Fueled Formula Masterclass Event.
Today's topic: Build (& Monetize) Your Dream Team that Drives Revenue into the Business Every Day (the key to finding, training & leading a dependable team of A players, able to run the business without you)
Here's what you'll learn: