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Joyful Business for Christian Female CEOs & Entrepreneurs with Judy Weber

Oct 20, 2022

Why do Christian women seem to RUN away from money? (it's true...there's an air of guilt around money, pricing & setting high revenue goals)
It's as if we believe that money - itself - is evil.
It's NOT!
The Bible contains more than 2000 verses on the subject of wealth, money & finances.

Oct 13, 2022

Your best clients are looking for you, today!
They WANT what you've got.
So the question becomes: can they find you?
And, when they do, is it clear that you are EXACTLY what they've been looking for? That you've got what they need?
Oh this episode is chock full of marketing + sales wisdom (so be sure to...

Oct 6, 2022

Jesus told us: 'In this world, you will have trouble' and, unfortunately, that reality holds true for entrepreneurs as well.

Some days you're riding high (everything seems to be going your way).

But other days feel overwhelming (when nothing seems to be going right).

In today's training, I'm sharing how to always stay...