Jun 27, 2024
Would it be helpful to your business to speak one to many to your audience of best clients?
Yes, it’s leveraging your time!
Which type event do YOU find more beneficial: in-person or 2-D virtual?
Oh, it's the in-person all the waaaayyyy!!!!
If you've ever been to an in-person conference, you KNOW firsthand the impact they make. There's an intangible - yet palpable - energy that emanates throughout the room.
When done well, it makes life-changing impact on attendees. While upleveling the impact your business makes as well.
Ready to make your first $100K? Join the Joyful 6 Figures Accelerator to curate, market & sell an irresistible higher-ticket offer, as you become a faith-fueled CEO!
Is 2024 the year you scale from 6 to 7 figures? Join the Joyful Scaling Mastermind and master Advanced Marketing, Selling & Operations strategies to 2x your profit, while reducing your workweek by 20%
>> Submit your business-growth questions to support@judyweber.co; you may WIN a ‘hot seat’ with Judy to be heard on the Joyful Scaling Podcast
Connect with Judy:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@JoyfulBusinessforFemaleCEOs
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judyweberco/
Instagram: https://www.judyweber.co/instagram
>> Learn how to work with Judy: www.judyweber.co
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