Mar 20, 2024
A woman recently asked me: 'Judy, how was YOUR first year as a coach? Did you do well? Did you hit 6 figures?'
She was a bit taken aback when I told her that I made OVER $190K in that year 1 of coaching. (And I realized I had never spoken about that before....duhhhh, how did I miss THAT?!??)
In this episode I share the details on exactly HOW I had a multi 6-figure year - my very FIRST year coaching.
PLUS I talk specifically about how I signed 10 clients within weeks of launching my very first business back in 2003 (as an interior decorator with ZERO formal training...just a love for design and a passion to serve)
I pray that this real 'stream of consciousness' recitation of the early years in business inspires you.
And serves as further confirmation that your success
IS inevitable, in Christ!
Lead with your heart.
Keep your eyes ever-focused on Christ.
Embrace your identity in Him.
If you're serious about making 2024 YOUR best year in business, schedule a complimentary Breakthrough Strategy Session with Judy....
>> Not yet at $100K? Grab my Case Study (discover 3 simple tweaks to 8x your revenue):
>> Ready to scale from 6 to 7 figures? Access my Scaling Strategies now:
Ready to make your first $100K? Join the Joyful 6 Figures Accelerator to curate, market & sell an irresistible higher-ticket offer, as you become a faith-fueled CEO!
Is 2024 the year you scale from 6 to 7 figures? Join the Joyful Scaling Mastermind and master Advanced Marketing, Selling & Operations strategies to 2x your profit, while reducing your workweek by 20%
>> Submit your business-growth questions to; you may WIN a ‘hot seat’ with Judy to be heard on the Joyful Scaling Podcast
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